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Price panic triggers run on toilet paper in Taiwan https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/28/price-panic-triggers-run-on-toilet-paper-in-taiwan
Authorities call for calm(呼吁大家冷静)as supermarket shelves(超市货架)are wiped clean(被一扫而空)following speculation of imminent increases(即将涨价的推测/传闻).
Taiwan’s premier has called for calm following a desperate run on toilet paper on the island,梅花台风 sparked by speculation of imminent price hikes(涨价).
Shelves usually stacked with(堆满)toilet paper(厕纸), kitchen paper(厨房用纸)and boxed tissues(抽纸) stood empty(空空如也)in many hypermarkets(大卖中美速递场)and supermarkets(超市)as residents stockpiled(囤积)supplies.
Major online retailers(在线零售商)had also run out(断货), including PChome which reportedly sold five million packs of toilet paper in three days.
“We ask the public not to panic(恐慌)and not to rush to buy(抢购),” said the premier蔡进炮 , William Lai.
“The supply is sufficient(供应充足)and everybody will have toilet papers to buy.”
The panic buying started after major hypermarkets were informed by toilet paper manufacturers(制造商)of a 10 to 30% price hike from mid-March due to rising international pulp prices(纸浆价格).
The Fair Trade Commission said it had lookedinto(调查)the matter and met with representatives(代表)from three major toilet paper suppliers(供应商)and five top retailers(零售商)to warn them against price-fixing(警告他们不要操纵价格).
There was online anger as some accused the government of(指责)ignoring price fixing by manufacturers.
“The government wouldn’t have paid attention if people were not snatching up(抢购)toilet paper. The lousy(糟糕的/操蛋的)government is only saying price-fixing is illegal after the media reported it,” read one post on Apple Daily’s website.
1.Every day people are presented with different news reports. Some people think we should not trust these reports. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it? What qualities should journalists have耒阳人才网 ?
2.News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3.It is a waste of time to read news about things that do not happen around us. To what extent do you agree or disagree厉槟源 ?洪煦榆
4.Today, there are more and more reports on violence and disasters in the media. Why is the case? What effects can this have?